“Max and José Have Something to Say…”

Max Bennion and José Valle have been best friends since high school. They now do a podcast together.

The podcast can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon, and more. Tune in every other week for a new topic!

Here are some choice episodes of the show so far:

MAJHSTS, S1E9: Pack your bags and drink your bug spray, because Jose is taking Max and the listeners on an expedition to eight mythical cities across the globe! Jose reads about Atlantis, El Dorado, and more!

MAJHSTS, S1E8: Beep beep! This week Max recounts to Jose the history, adventures, and lore of one of Disney’s weirdest legacy franchises and poses the question: would a Herbie movie work today?

MAJHSTS, S1E5: This week the boys tackle the wacky world of harmless conspiracies such as is Elvis alive? Is the moon a hologram? and many more!